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Cow Dog

My pup Dax likes to think he is a cow dog. He thinks he should get to go in the pickup every time we leave the house.

A Sign For Kindergarten!

I created this sign for our Kimball School staff slide show! I hope you enjoyed seeing all of the teachers in the video! Remember - you...


I helped sort off some of the pairs and helped move them to a different pasture.

Blind Baby

One momma cow had twins, and one of the babies was blind. We have never had a blind calf before. He has now become a new bottle calf in...

Pickup Buddy

My pup Dax likes to sit funny. This is his "spot" in the pickup when we go to check cows.

Happy Easter!

I created this image from a photograph that I took a few years ago. I hope you had a wonderful Easter with your family!

Barn Helper

My pup Dax likes to go into the barn and try to play with the baby bottle calves, so he wasn't happy when we shut him out of the barn.


I was able to work on creating a video of a parade that showed our support for a man in my hometown of Vivian.

Bottle Calf

This was one of our bottle calves. Now he has gained a new momma so we no longer have to feed him!

Tub Baby

There was a calf that was close to dying due to the cold temperatures so we warmed it up as quickly as possible - in the bathtub! After...


I celebrated my 31st birthday by going hiking in the Black Hills!

Big Horn Sheep

I got to drive through the Badlands and there were some big horn sheep grazing next to the road.

Riding Horse

I got back in the saddle after almost 2 years of not riding horse due to my extensive hip surgery and recovery.

Calf Shelter

This is the calf shelter that I helped my parents create from old materials around our farm and ranch.

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